dear love artist,
My heart has been covered up with sadness
the past few days...Hard to put my finger on it...
That's the most frustrating thing, Is when I cant' put my finger on it.
I'm happy to let it go, even if I don't know what the "it" is.
Do you have any suggestions?
Your sister in love.
love u
dear absolut,
I know that feeling, when you don't know what 'it' is . . I feel it as sadness often too, though sometimes it creeps in in other forms, like fear, but with no substance to it, just a wind, sometimes just the smell of it. I have been sitting, minding my own business & felt sadness enter the room like a person, a stranger just walking in, somehow with their own key. I envy the europeans who allow themselves the luxury of melancholy & existentialism. We americans are so uncomfortable with the undefined, even when we practice.
Well none of this is particularly helpful, I guess . . let me see what I have for you in my bag of tricks . . why don't you take it in your arms rather than try to let it go? maybe there is something precious for you . . maybe there is something shy . . even if it is something that rocks you to the bone or something that just wrecks your whole day, maybe it is something that needs to be known.
Babies get really grumpy before they do something big for the first time and they couldn't possibily know that that horrible feeling inside means that in a day or two they will walk upright for the first time or put their fingers together in a certain way that will enable them to touch the thing they want perfectly.
Maybe it's something like that.
xoxx tla
dear love artist im feeling so raw and vunerable exploring this new position allowing/trusting to let the love come to me, i have spent most of my life going for it..more control..less risk..what if the love doesnt come..yikes! this huge raw truth about my m.o. of love came when you so lovingly pointed out to me that i was always being the kisser versus the kissee...letting the kiss/love come to me sounds simple but it has rocked my world...heartbreaking open.. any tips for staying with the process even when it hurts ? pdaddy
Posted by: pdaddy | April 17, 2007 at 12:29 PM
Dearest Love Artist,
What else could it be...the only thing .....
Go Deeper and Further into the lap of Love
It's dark and scarey to let go of the familiar protection
It is there for us to let go and feel the freedom burst and explode
It also feels like a pitch black room that has a small speck of light
That small speck of light will lead
I will follow
Love U
Loving U
Posted by: AbsolutBeauty | April 17, 2007 at 04:53 PM