working things out slowly but surely
it is a big commute from the beach in aguada to the east village where i currently lay, in a big california king bed stuffed in a tiny cave of a bedroom, surrounded by tons of white pillows & covered with a puffy white comforter
i feel taken care of, which my absolute favorite feeling right up there next to joy
this has gotten me into trouble
this TCO
cause i really do the best job myself, but i so much prefer to be doted on
those that have doted on in the past, who shall remain un-named (that is until the book comes out) have not really read the manual
but enough of that kind of snipe-y behavior ms. sick love artist
(if anyone has any idea what is wrong with me, pls let me know, beyond missing my wheatgrass & ether & my sunflower green garden)
so the new report on my sweet children i am coaching into consciousness:
this week we moved away from the actual imagining & poetry writing & past the page into reading our poems aloud
& there are so many very quiet voices, voices that sound like they have never been heard before, tiny, trembling bodies that press into me as i hold the notebook & prompt them of the words
the thing that makes these days worthwhile is the smile afterwards, after i say to them
"put some love in it"
"love yourself enough to think that your poem is the most interesting thing you have ever read in your whole life & then your audience will believe that too"
& their favorite "put some ooopmh into it . . !!"
(none of them knew what ooopmh meant, but i taught them)
one of the teacher told me that, yes, it was true, some of those voices she had never heard before
tiny smiles, you are breaking my heart
TCO Definition:
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TCO Tactical Combat Operations
TCO Tactical Control Officer
TCO Taken Care Of
TCO Tallis Chamber Orchestra (Suffolk, UK)
TCO Tasmanian Community Online
TCO Tax Credit Office (UK)
TCO Technical Contracting Office
TCO Technical Cooperation Programme (meteorology)
TCO Technology Commercialization Office
TCO Technology Coordinating Paper
TCO Telecommunications Certification Officer
TCO Telecommunications Certifying Office
TCO Telecommunications Control Office
TCO Telecommunications Coordination Officer
TCO Telephone Control Office/r
TCO Temperature Compensated Oscillator
TCO Temperature Controlled Oscillator
TCO Tempest Control Officer
TCO Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
TCO Termination Contracting Officer
TCO Terrestrial Carbon Observations
TCO Test Content Outline
TCO Test Control Office/r
TCO The Charmed Ones (TV show)
TCO The Chosen One
TCO The Corporate Office
TCO Thermal Cut-Off (thermal fuse)
TCO Thorsman Company Oslo
TCO Three Colleges Observatory (UNC Greensboro)
TCO Thrust Cutoff
TCO Tiffany & Co (jewelry company)
TCO Tjänstemännens Central Organisation
TCO Tjänstemännens Centralorganisation (Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees)
TCO Tom Cunningham Orchestra
TCO Total Call Ownership
TCO Total Column Ozone
TCO Total Cost of Operations
TCO Total Cost of Outsourcing
TCO Totally Cool Operation
TCO Toxic Chemical Operations
TCO Traction Control Override
TCO Trade Change Order
TCO Transparent Conductive Oxide
TCO Transport Control Officer
TCO Treaty Compliance Office
TCO Trellis-Converging Offset
TCO True Cost of Ownership
TCO True Cost to Own
TCO Trust Company (band)